Partner in Compliance as an expert on privacy and data protection

Nowadays, organizations and the digital world are increasingly intertwined. That is why privacy and data protection are becoming ever more important and deserve attention in every organization. Not only to avoid fines from the regulators and to guarantee the business continuity, but also to ensure that customers do not get the impression that an organization handles personal data lightly. This could lead to claims, reputational damage which could potentially lead to a loss of turnover. Moreover, without the appropriate privacy and security measures, organizations are more prone to cyberattacks which can also lead to loss of data or revenue. This can be prevented when privacy and data protection are made part of the organization’s DNA.

All organizations are required to conduct risk-assessments and to identify potential risks regarding privacy and cybersecurity. Do you need support with your PIA? Or would you like to outsource the role of privacy officer or data protection officer? Do you need advice or support with other privacy and cybersecurity matters? Then Partner in Compliance is there for you!

How do we work?

Customized services
There is no standard answer to the question of how an organization complies with privacy laws and regulations (the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR in the EU). In addition, privacy legislation is based on a risk-based approach and therefore, the privacy activities are different for every organization.

Every organization needs a different approach to implement the necessary cybersecurity standards. During the implementation it is important to focus on the structure of the organization, the (digital) infrastructure, cooperate culture and possible (external) risks.

We offer you temporary or long-term support, including services such as:

  • the design and implementation of a privacy compliance program;
  • advice regarding the implementation of measurement to safeguard the digital environment;
  • advice on the implementation of privacy controls;
  • support of your compliance department, privacy officers and corporate law specialists and lawyers – or the complete role of the data protection officer (DPO) or privacy officer when this is not feasible internally;
  • complete outsourcing of a privacy project to a multidisciplinary project team;
  • support and guidance on privacy issues related to outsourcing, business development and the introduction of new technologies;
  • advice in the field of privacy compliance, such as conducting the Privacy Compass, privacy audits, risk analyses, privacy impact assessments and quick-scans conducted by our privacy consultants;
  • providing training courses on privacy and cybersecurity related topics;
  • support with security awareness programs;
  • support in communication with internal and external parties such as consumer organizations, government institutions or regulators like the data protection authorities.

Why work with us?

Based on years of experience and expertise, we can translate complex privacy laws and regulations into practice. Our approach is mainly pragmatic for the best interest of your organization and business operations.

Small and large projects
Our consultants are the basis for the collaboration with your organization. If necessary, for instance in case of larger projects, our consultants can scale up by working together with specialists from our permanent privacy and cybersecurity expert network.

We offer you a permanent contact person who knows your organization well. Commitment and the best quality for a reasonable price are what we stand for.